Songbird Stories


Songbird Story Profile: The stock broker turned pastor: Jane

I'm delighted to share with you another delightful Songbird Story profile. In this series of interviews and profiles we feature a few of the many amazing humans we have had the good fortune of getting to know better while helping them to transition into their new downsized home. It's an honor to share a few of their career highlights alongside some of their insights when embracing the next chapter of life with grace and gratitude.  

It's a joy to introduce you to Jane. 

From the hustle and bustle of stock trading floors in New York City to tranquil church sanctuaries in Central Ohio, Jane's career spanned the spectrum of both finance and faith.

Born and raised in Upper...

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The reality of re-selling your stuff: What’s hot (and what’s not)  

A big part of the downsizing process is helping families sort through all their possessions that accumulate over many years (or decades) while living in the same home. Rather than focusing on what to get rid of, here at Songbird, one of our mottos is: “we help you find the things you want to keep.”  

Once our clients decide on the furniture, décor and other household items they plan to keep for their new downsized space, we help to "re-home" everything else. That process may involve getting furniture to family members, donating items to local charities (what we call the downsizing double win) or selling select items to local vendors. 

For a realistic and up-to-date...

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Downsizing is a "Snap"


Downsizing is a "snap" with Songbird! Here's a little before and after video we made for a client who we helped to downsize into a 2-bedroom apartment at Middleton at Granville. We really loved working with this super sweet couple. We helped them sort, pack, deliver unneeded furniture to local charities, move and unpack--including hanging all of their artwork--in three short days. Snap!

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Songbird Story Profile: The Landscape Architects, Kirsten & Jurgen

Kirsten and Jurgen's story involves both international emigration and local migration. Their moves first took them from Europe to North America, then from the East Coast to the Midwest. Their most recent moves were local. Very local, in fact: one move was a block away; and their move this fall was just a hop, skip and a jump across town. The Songbird Team and I were thrilled to help this sweet couple with their recent downsize to Kendal--now Otterbein at Granville. Jurgen and Kirsten graciously allowed us to share more about their story as well as a peek inside their cozy new home.   

So where did this...

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7 Big Mistakes to Avoid When Downsizing

Mistake #1: Underestimating how much stuff you have. 

After years—or even decades—of living in the same home, it is easy to accumulate lots of, ahem, "stuff." All that stuff we buy can quickly fill closets, garages, attics and storage units.  

We all love all our stuff...until it comes time to move or downsize.  

I always insist on looking at all the nooks and crannies of a house prior to working with a client on a downsize. I'm not trying to be nosey. It is simply because chances are, you don’t realize how much stuff is tucked away in the back of the closet or a corner of the...

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The Downsizing Double Win

Support causes you care about during a downsize

Downsizing can feel a bit daunting at first, but the process of decluttering and letting go of clothing and household furnishings that you don’t use or no longer need can also be extremely rewarding.  

After helping hundreds of older adults downsize into senior living communities and smaller homes, we know how difficult it can be to part with some possessions. But we’ve learned letting go of those extra end tables and dishes is much easier if you know they will go to someone who will appreciate them or support a cause you care about.   

When sorting which items to...

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Relocating a Very Special Nest

The Songbird team recently helped a super sweet couple downsize into an apartment at Middleton. Among the special items that we lovingly packed to move to their new home were several beautiful bird nests.
One was under a glass cloche. Another was still tenuously attached to the dried beanstalks that were intricately woven into the nest.
And the last nest had a note tucked in the bottom yellowed with age that read: “When your day is touched by nature, it’s also touched by wonder. Your connection to nature makes you bigger and smaller all at once.”
Reading this message in the nest made me pause and smile.
Finding a nest is considered good luck. Nests represent life, love, family, commitment, and...
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Songbird Story Profile: Champions for Children's Services, Sue & Chris

One of the very best parts of working with our senior downsizing clients is getting to know them on a personal level and learning more about their families, world travels, incredible career accomplishments and other rich life experiences. In this new series of posts, we are privileged to share some of these fascinating stories. We’ll not only learn a little bit about their lives, we’ll also discuss the highs and lows of their downsizing experience.  

To kick it off, I’d love to introduce you to Sue and Chris.   

Sue and Chris first met as students at Denison University and Chris is one...

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Moving On: Turning a Home Back Into a House

Songbird Transitions
Moving On: Turning a Home Back Into a House

It’s no secret that everyone decorates and lives a little differently than their neighbors or friendsEveryone has their own distinct style and decorative taste, as well as, their own personal ideas of what looks “nice.”  

Growing up, my parents had loads of eclectic art and unique ceiling lines which I grew to love. Today, I tend to decorate with a lot of family photos. Meanwhile, my two young boys like to "decorate" the house with lego-creations and science experiments.

I learn a lot about our clients from the selected furniture and decor in their favorite spaces. The variety of styles is as unique as each personality. While some seniors surround...

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Downsizing Dad: Another Perspective

In my last post, I shared my experience of downsizing my parents. Even though I didn't realize it at the time, it was the first step toward a career in helping others manage their downsizing transitions. I wanted to know what my dad thought about this process and asked him to share what he remembered feeling at the time. He graciously agreed, and I've shared it below. 

Every person who goes through the downsizing process is different, of course, but I think my dad touches on many of the feelings and thoughts that clients have shared with us. If you're helping a loved one downsize, it's a good reminder to stay compassionate. And, if YOU are going through this transition, try to be kind to yourself. It can be a...

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