Senior Downsizing Experts
On-Site Downsizing Services in Central Ohio +
Nationwide Consulting & Support

Relocate Your Nest
Senior Downsizing | Estate Dispersal | Home Sale Prep
Downsizing & Move Management
Songbird Transitions can manage your move from start to finish or you can select from our menu of options to select the downsizing services that best suit your needs.
Learn more about our downsizing services
Downsizing Resources
Get our comprehensive video-based toolkit, plus other expert tips, stories and information related to decluttering and downsizing.
View our online resources

"It's more than just a move."
-Samantha Stearns
Songbird Transitions Founder
Let's connect
If you or a loved one are ready to downsize or relocate, we'd love to support your downsizing journey.
Contact us
Experienced, Caring Support
Samantha Stearns & the Songbird team make the transition to your new downsized home as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Learn more about us

"I never could have done this without Songbird."
"A force of nature, Sam sweeps in like a happy hurricane and convinces you immediately that there is no room she cannot design, no mess too big to clean up and no memento that cannot be donated or repurposed."
- Mary Ellen H.
Senior Downsizing client
Downsizing Done Right
A comprehensive toolkit to support your downsizing journey
Featuring step-by-step videos, a beautiful resource book plus an exclusive Q&A session with Songbird founder